As some of you guys may know, I am currently studying part time for my degree at MIS (Marketing Institute of Singapore). Reason why I have chosen MIS? It was partly due to its fantastic location and of course being the choice of degree.
I have been studying at MIS for a good 4 trimesters now. (Instead of semesters, it’s trimesters here. Sadly we have to do summer sems). So far I was very pleased by the service of some of their staffs e.g. Wendy, Evelyn, Lela and Nur.
But recently all MIS have to offer were bad service and setbacks.
Firstly the great location of MIS (at Prinsep Street) is no more. They have chosen to move over to a rather ulu place near the Tanjong Pagar’s railway station but even more ulu. Not only is it bad enough that the location shift was at a rather bad location, the notice period given to the students was of the very last minute. I was supposed to start school on the 14th but guess when was I informed of the move?
11th March.
I was not even given a week notice. If one of the MIS staff had not decided to sms me to check if I had received the email, I would have gone to class at the WRONG SCHOOL. Shouldn’t ample notice be given to the students regarding the shift? Afterall most of us chose MIS due to it’s centralised location. I did a check among my fellow classmates and turns out that not everyone knew about the relocation thru a MIS staff, infact some of them found out thru friends. Apparently MIS did not even have the decency to send an email blast to ALL students and chose only to inform SOME students.
Apparently many students emailed MIS on this note, showing their “displeasure” but not all emails were replied.
The last I checked, I had paid my student fees for my degree in a lump sum in the beginning of the course back in 2006 and had paid my MIS student fees too. Apparently the student fees paid to MIS was not enough for them to even give good service.
Aside from the relocation issue, one of my classmates suffered a bigger “loss” due to MIS staff’s negligence. She and I were from the same poly, same course and graduated the same year. When I enrolled into MIS, I was given 12 exemptions and she was given only 9 exemptions. We only found out about it after bumping into each other in one of our classes. Not only did the poor girl have to do additional modules, she had to PAY for the additional modules. Shouldn’t be a refund be given in any case? Not only did she had to waste time doing those modules (and could have graduated way earlier), she had to waste money too?!
Next up, another case, apparently our exam results were out last Wednesday. I received my marks for one module and a “Grade Not Submitted” for another. I called a staff and requested for my results. Till today there is no news. I called one of their staff, apparently a newcomer who told me to “email the unit controller yourself”.
WAIT. What’s the use of MIS then? Aren’t they the go-between?
Apparently this said staff told the same thing to a classmate.
Oh wait, I only received an email by another staff to the unit controller about my results. YOU MEAN IT TOOK YOU A WEEK TO EMAIL THE UNIT CONTROLLER?!
Maybe that’s why the said staff told me to email the unit controller myself! MIS was obviously that inefficient that it took a week to bloody email him!
Not only was the staff NOT friendly nor helpful, she was bloody patronising me when I asked her why isn’t MIS emailing the unit controller?
“It’s not our job to email the unit controllers about the results. It’s not controlled by us.”
How about I take up the role to email Curtin directly regarding such errors in future and MIS can pay me?
Since obviously they do not respond to verbal complains nor emails (pls see below), I thought better to write this down. When I complained to a fellow blogger about my plight earlier, he told me MIS was known for it’s atrocious service. Interesting. Supposedly MIS’s core values are Trust and Service Quality. Service Quality my ass!
I’m glad that it’s my final two trimesters in MIS. I know I am not the only unhappy student here. There better be explanations. Or maybe their PR person isn’t working too?
Thanks for the great service MIS.
Maybe I should write a letter to the newspapers and spread the word to the online community. But most importantly, to all the working professionals looking to study part time.
Maybe that will garner a response. One week later. (I was deliberating whether to post this entry but after everything, all the complains I’ve heard to all the fuckups, I believe most of us have had enough.)
Check out the map. Can you even spot the ulu campus? Click to enlarge btw.
Apparently a classmate Kase has emailed MIS and have yet to receive any reply. Apparently emails to MIS does not work too.
Subject: RE: Notice of Relocation [MIS]
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 17:27:41 +0800Dear ***,
That is not the point, I understand that moving into a new campus should definitely provide us with better facilities but I am disappointed that I am not informed directly via a MIS stuff instead am notified via viral emails.
Even some of my classmates aren’t aware of this.
Moving a school, to a new campus should be known to students even when the campus is under renovation.
You have to prepare students mentally. Most of my peers agreed that one of the main reasons we choose MIS was based on its centralized location.
Now that the school has moved “SUDDENLY” not only has it bought upon unhappiness among us, we are also worried about the poor communication channel the school has used to inform us about the reallocation.
MIS is a marketing school, how can such controversy take place???????
glad to know SIC and SIM ain’t the only schools to fuck up.
Dear Serene,
I would advise you to write in directly to the unit controller with regards to the results. We do not have the assignments marks with us. Thus, the unit controller would be the best to advise and explain on this matter.
XXX, Executive (MIS)
Seriously, enlighten me, why i must contact the unit controller myself? Then the unit controller must be very bo eng.
Nad!Post the map!! the Ridiculous map that we can lost 5kg each time we attend class!
To be honest, 8 out of 10 will agree that the new campus location %@!#~… It takes approximately 20 to 25mins to walk to school from the MRT station.
Also, one of my lecturers tried to end lesson earlier and advised female students to travel in packs or preferably with guys.
Although it is pretty cool to hear trains passing by instead of vehicles….it’s really “Wu-lu”…
Overall, MIS should do something about the many many many complains… It really pisses me off when you paid much more than local schools and yet get terrible services.
babe! i totally agree for that! it’s so ulu ! & guess what we had to survive on during our intensive seminar last wk? Junk food from the vending machines!! its so ulu that we do not see any shops around!! Maybe MIS should arrange for free shuttle buses for poor pple like us who dun drive!! See ya babe for tml ulu lesson !!
OMG! I thought i was the only one feeling like this! I never got any email, or any phone calls from MIS regarding the move! I had to hear it from my friend, who graduated already. Yes! She got the email, and i didn’t! The admin at MIS is getting from bad to worst man. It’s not as if they decided to move a week before, you have to plan these things right?? It’s so ulu i have to take a cab in every time i attend class loh.
You know yesterday when i heard that the canteen is now open, i’m very happy? Because decent food is like a 20 minute walk out. BUT, i tried the food today and it was… baaaaaaaaaad. WTF is wrong with them?! Can’t they do anything right???
Oh and another thing… I graduated the same year, from the same course as Kase did, and all i had was 4 exemptions?!!?! You had 12?????? Goodness. Can someone like, help me?! Grrr… >:(((
I is unhappy!!
by the way… congrats on your win for Unexpected Sydney!! =D
Well, everywhere has such problem of poor services. Be it SIM, SIC, MIS, NTU, NUS, SMU, MDIS, etc…
Often it’s a case of us wanting to shout out but having no voice or even worse, having no power at all. (being mere students and being ‘bullied’ by the school)
Well, i guess it’s really lucky for your case that you have 2 more sems to go. Hang in there!!!
The way i see it the location is beyond ULU it like maze. Follow the line hopefully u get there …..maybe…
But hey 2 more trimester right…..ENDURE..
Relocation happens. Let me share with you what I have been thru as a student of MIS. Like you have mentioned, services offered by staff like Lela, Nur and company has been excellent as the student population is much more manageable than most schools. Hence the close relationship and assistance which they can offer. Btw, i graduated about 4yrs + ago.
And yes, some unit controllers may respond slower as they are not only handling Singapore students, but HK, Msia and on campus too. I do get peeved with that but I guess its a common phenomenon among universities which my friends with other unis experience too.
Back to the point of the relocation, I was studying at Jln Membina (Tiong Bahru) for about 3mths before moving to Pasir Panjang (near PSA Towers). Similarly, I have qualms of the move initially but adjusted with the benefits of free parking and close proximity to harbor front.
I was elated when they moved to Prinsep as it meant closer to my work place. But of course, there was ERP and more exhorbitant parking charges as well. But my batch of classmates who weren’t driving, said it was good as the mrt station was closer.
Many of my classmates chosed MIS instead of SIM due to the proximity. For those who have been to SIM, im sure you know how inaccessible it can be apart from the buses and taxis that ply that stretch of road. Closest mrt station is at least 5-8km away..not within walking distance.
With the new move at MIS to the edge of the city, it eases the transport to those who are working within the CBD. Even for those like myself working in bugis, its still pretty accessible to the new campus.
Looking from the business perspective, its nearly impossible to cater to the needs of all students due to geographical constraint. Ideally, it would be great to have the campus right smack in the centre or via satellite campuses. But with the latter arrangement, admin support will be compromised due to the response time between the branches to the HQ. I am sure the management has given significant considerations before the move.
Like you have mentioned, hang in there and finish the course. Ultimately, its the quality of the Curtin degree that matters and not the locality of the class that matters.
Ermm.. that’s mean on the part of MIS informing students of the re-location at the very last minute!
the new location do really sounds ulu, plus will there be noise pollution from the trains?
Hi there,
It is quite true that it would be much better if you happen to e-mail the unit controller yourself. Going through 3rd party would only delay time and it might affect your study plans. Sometimes it is just not worth arguing with those staff. The contacts for the unit controller should be in your unit outline or else it is easily available in CBS’ website. My tip for you is to e-mail them with your OASIS e-mail because some of their inbox reject e-mails from yahoo and hotmail. You can try calling them too in the morning, because I find it easier to get them when they just enter the office while checking their e-mails. The unit controllers would be quite happy to help you out.
Ya lah…I only found out about the moving through a forwarded email from kase…got lost cos they said to follow the sheltered walkway…but they failed to mention that the walkway splits into two…one leading to the HDB and the other to school…haha…got lost lah at 7.30 in wondering which “lucky” bangla was going to kidnap me!! haha
Well…there’s nothing we can do just yet…we still need to graduate…so no choice..back to the school by the train tracks.
Hmm.. sometimes it takes a rotten apple to tarnish the image of the school. Can try call up the school again.. approach the manager or higher level staff lorz. If all respond in similar way, then horz.. “Bo bian” liao.. give up le lor..
This would be the 4th location MIS has adopted for the past few years. I was first at the Tiong Bahru campus, it was some old and lousy place which was abandoned and no one else wanted it. That was ok cos MRT was nearby and there were free parking. Then it moved to a very inconvenicent place at Pasir Panjang, only had a few bus stops, no MRT, but still had free parking. Its next to Labrador Park.
After dunno 2 or 3 years, it moved again to the Prinsep campus. Im not sure about the parking situation there. This time round, it looks like another ulu ulu place. Perhaps you guys can find Mas Selamat hiding there.
For as long as I know, many many students have been complaining abt the poor service rendered by the often ill-informed or ignortant staff. Service is slow or late. Students dont get what they need (or want) or they are not adequately advised by the staff.
To be fair, alot of students nowadays expect to be spoon fed just becos they pay thousands to the school, for eg, expecting the staff to find out their timetable for them, and worse, print out a copy for them, instead of doing meagre errands themselves.
I credit MIS for offering a good range of courses from Curtin Uni. What MIS offer, some Unis didnt used to offer in the past till recent. They’ve got some good lecturers as well and the trip to Perth is fun tho hectic.
I believe the Trimester system is good cos you can do 3 terms and speed up the process as opposed to other schools which only offer 2 terms. Isnt it optional for you to take the extra term per year? Its not compulsory for you to take all 3 terms. You can take 2, and rest for 1 cant you?
Anyway, try to find out who is working in the top management and send in your feedback and emails to him.
Have fun for your last 2 terms!
That’s the old Gan Eng Seng School! The road is very dark at night by the way.
i am currently studying in MIS too and this is not the first time i experience their BAD SERVICE!
there was onCe i paid my school fee late and guess what Evelyn Lim the manager told me…”I CANT GIVE YOU YOUR NOTES TILL YOU PAY! DO YOU HAVE CREDIT CARD WITH YOU NOW? I CAN SWIPE IMMEDIATELY!!!”
Wow!!! WHAT A SCHOOL I AM INTO!!! Seriously, I have lost hope in their admin!!! Last week, I paid my school fee in bank draft, guess what the receptionist did, SHE JUST CHUCKED THE BAND DRAFT INTO A CORNER!!! And their place was in such a mess that I was so worried that they had lost my bank draft that I demanded a “receipt”. And her reply was.” you wait for CURTIN to send you.” Well, thats if they received my bank draft lorz! In the end, she reluctantly photocopied the bank draft and chopped “RECEIVED” with her name signed on it!
I seriously hate the admin at MIS but the lecturers are helpful enough! Thank GOD!
Just got to know of this blog from fellow classmates. Thought I should say my piece a student too. I am very pleased with Wendy, Lela, Nur and Kenneth who left an impeccable impression of how MIS would be like. All went perfectly well till the sudden move.
Why have they not informed us much earlier? I actually took up a job at Bugis so that I can attend my lessons at Prinsep! WTH…
I am left with another 10 units to go. Perhaps I should take more units and get-the-hell outta this ulu place!
Nothing wrong with emailing and sms, which is the most effective way to reach students in large numbers. You cant expect them to call you and stroke you like a baby rite?
As for the exemptions, perhaps you wanna check why she could not have hers exempted such as difference in grades etc. You cant expect a borderline grade to have guaranteed exemption.
In fact, any Uni here NTU, NUS, SMU, PSB Academy etc. do have their fair share of horrendous service, esp SIM. Have you heard about the case in 2003 whereby a large batch of students from the SIM UOL course leaving the school to join MDIS due to incompetent screwed-up lecturers and poor arrangements? Same with Informatics and TMC, all have screwed-up cases that infuriated many students and investors alike.
It is a good thing that MIS is finally able to have their own building located outside CBD area unlike the old location at Prinsep whereby you will be charge twice ERP just to get into the school and the parking fees are exhorbitant. In fact according to the map its an easily accessible location with three possible routes and free parking. It is a transition period and tough for them, perhaps you can bear this in mind.
Hey there, i’ve read all the comments.Hows MIS>>??
Iguess i’m gonna apply there, is there any one taking a bachelor of marketing ? Well most of the private schools suck! needless to say that i’m already tired sick of it. But the only thing that i’m concerned about is the degree credibility??? Any answer ???
Other than the bad service, how was the quality of lecturers from MIS?