was watching pck’s trailer..
tink crystal is a very nice name…
hmmm… everyone is changing their name and not using their given name…
let’s see.. if i would change my name, i’ll change it to…
Gwendolyn Tok…
but now, decided Crystal is nicer…
my name : Nadia XXXXX XXXX XXXXX
now, for office, i usually go by Nadia XXXXX, easier for ppl to address and for namecards..
if i would change my name, it would be..
Cystal B.
B = Binte
hahaha. so i would be Crystal Bee…
but short form not nice… CB…
sounds like ch**by*…
to those who tinks im dumb for wanting to change name.. tis is for u…
on a side note…. i wanna go orchard take pics of all the christmas decorations… anyone wanna go?
leaving u with… CRYSTAL BEE!