had soooo much fun with clique! :D.. met up with pearl and ming ming first @ orchard and i went to buy chocolate chip brownie from famous amos! damn freaking good… *drools* and i bought balls! 2 of them… haha. chicken balls…
met up with G then proceeded to marina bay to meet lydia…
proceeded to marina south steamboat!!! woot! went to yellow dragon village! my fave place! had lotsa fun juz chatting/bitching/quarreling/gossiping/teasing one another. missed each other SOOOOO much! gotta have a monthly outing!
anyway, pictures time…
ming ming! pretty rite? sorry peeps, she’s attached! unfortunately tis woman has a fetish for crabs and mussels.. and keeps insisting her mussels aint cooked!
silly G! tis babe keeps on ‘OW-ing’ coz of de oil splatters… hahhaa…
pearl punk! hahha. silly babe made a mess on de table!
lydia dear! tis babe keep on wanting to go off somewhere.. hahaha! we managed to get her to stay till de end!
me! hahaha. why am i sulking? COZ PPL KEEP ON TRYING TO EAT MY TOFU! hahhaa. in trying to get tis pic, 2 tofus were sacrificed… hahhaa… clumsy ol’ me!
thing we ate and conquered..
sweet pics…
eat until soooooo full!
cuckoo pic of de day… hahaha…
the clique…
Phrase of de day….
16) A Nad’s Too Wet Without One!