bad stuff: food came an hour late, change of venues suddenly, being pushed and screamed to get lost (no matter how playfully, it still came out wrong. matter of pride), NATOs.
good stuff: seeing neo neo & ken suddenly. Pussy rawkz! LT 19 was cool~ wonderful SLs and HLs for my Lt.
tomorrow betta be a betta day. and i’ll be taking over a bigger LT. time to make de dead rise. dun believe tat there can be a dry and boring soul in HTM. especially 4 classes of it.
time to take over and change things. time for me to sleep too. nitez peeps.
anyway, thanks to rachel lum & eileen for de sweet prezzies!
rachie baby got me a fortune cookie! (she remembered after reading my blog!)
eileen got me a sweet bracelet! looks reallie cool~
and thanks to ting ting, for giving me a wake up call though i overslept. 😀
nitez peeps!