Please refer to these posts before reading this. (else you no head no tail wor!).
4 days of celebration – The pre-celebration
4 days of celebration – Kidnapped to Wanderlust
4 days of celebration – Wagyu Steak at Pan Pac
While some of you faithful readers may know, I was going to the Johnnie Walker Jet Black party. I had told the boy I had to attend the party because my previous company (I used to work for Grayling) was organising the party and I was there to support. I had also held the contest and I would need to go meet the reader who had won my contest. (Who I didn’t meet. Bruce! Where were you?!)
What the bf didn’t know was that I had secured a guestlist and had invited his friends so as to spring a surprise for him.
While we were at dinner, I was bbming his best friend details and all. Stefan had told me to stall and arrive later as there was a delay. I had to make a lot of excuses! Somemore, when we were at Wanderlust surfing on my netbook. We had my Facebook page open and he accidentally saw my message to his friend Sharon asking if she was heading to Powerhouse!
I really thought the surprise was screwed. He asked me suspiciously what was that about and I stammered and stuttered and came up with some lame excuse that I had an extra invite and thought to invite her since “girls mah, closer!”.
It was really a lame excuse cause he would usually call Stefan first and I was really not close to his friends to have invited them without asking him to do so instead.
(click to enlarge)
Crazy loads of pictures taken that day.
Much love to the awesome Kenny Yap who is also the person who referred me the job at Grayling!
The boy’s friends were inside waiting at our table and I hurriedly walked infront so that he couldn’t see them first. Kenny said to him “Oh there isn’t much tables left so you’ll have to share with some guys.”
So when ching chong boy saw some people at the table, he didn’t think too much about it.
Picture by Isaac.
Surprise! The boy was really really surprised! Even more surprised than with Wanderlust and he couldn’t stop grinning ear to ear.
YAY! Surprise party PASSED!
Bumped into Crystal and Corde there!
Honestly it was a bit weird introducing Corde to the bf. Reason being.. Corde is actually Tiger’s blood sis. She felt weird too. I dunno how to explain the feeling but all’s good!
Loads more pics!
Yen took this picture of us dancing. Not the most flattering for me but I love it. Thanks babe!
With Eileen and Mus, my fave clubbing kakis!
Stefan (the one on the left), my partner in crime for the surprise birthday party. Thanks bro!
My favourite group shot of the night!
The party was great fun and the free flow of Johnnie Walker totally hit the spot. We partied till like 4am and the rest wanted to head to Nana to continue the party but the boy and I decided to call it a night.
It was great fun and I’m happy that the party went well. Thanks Grayling and Kenny!
Pictures were taken with the G11.
You are real good with surprises!
nadnut Reply:
October 18th, 2010 at 5:42 pm
heh thanks dear!