long update… are u guys ready for it?
had onlie 2 hours of sleep after rushing my damn report… so de whole damn day was feeling damn shacked… we had a bsc event called Talent Search tat day and things ended well to the viewer’s point of view. i saw marie! to a commitee point of view, many things could be done betta… well, it is over and done with. shall not tok abt it. ended late.. debrief ended abt 11.30 i tink… took a cab home… supposed to go zouk but with 2 hours of sleep, de onlie dancing i wanted to do was in my sleep….
went to skool…. spotted a shop outside design selling handmade books & lipgloss… blew my last ten bucks there… sighz… turns out de girl selling de stuff is dear’s “god-sis”… no discount though… -_- … rushed home to get ready….. sighz… lotsa confusion over zouk & club rouge… finally settled at club rouge…. b4 going club rouge… i spotted SPUNKY, one of de male contestants of Singtel’s my dreamd8… he was alone though… muz be a lonely guy… anyway, back to club rouge… music was good… all r&b… but sighz… de crowd sucks… 80% guys…. not good… coz i brought dear along…. hahaa! partied till late, ate supper… my fav cheese onion pratas again & nixon got high/drunk… -_-“…..
met dear @ junction 8 to watch movie… watched ‘hell boy’… quite a good show to me… i like! … junction 8 was damn damn crowded.. forgotten it was a public holiday… sighz…. im a sinner… as today is good friday and dear is a catholic… we both forgotten today was a friday…. kept thinking its a sunday… bought cheese hotdog for dear… after a few hours later… dunno wat conversation…. it struck him tat its a friday! and good friday somemore! felt guilty… sighz… yes, im a sinner… *hides face*
aside from tat…. went home early, abt 5pm, realised no one was home and no food.. i decided to make cheese omelette… damn shiok… since mum not @ home, i added cheese & onion like no one’s business… (usually she’ll nag)… damn sedap! … cats kept meowing around me while i ate though… those greedy fellas… grrr… *hides cheese omelette possesively*…
tats me rather short update i say… usually ill go very detailed… but feeling all sleepy after my shiok cheese omelette and wanna take a long nap, decided to cut evrything short… me gonne zzzz now…
nitez peeps, be back soon with some harsh comments… lol