LONG update!!
thursday, 19th jan —-> sel’s launch party
after school, i headed to rouge club amd dragged fred and mira… hee… met lotsa peeps there… sel’s frens… then cheered de silly ger! rouge club is pretty nice and everything… got lotsa free beer but was on medication… … so couldnt drink… met my fren aaron there as he was supporting ben and wendy… de other contestants for Singtel my dreamd8…. had fun supporting sel… she looked so happy! entered some sms contest… should have rightfully won 3 times as i sms de fastest but could onlie win once…. sad…. *poutz*… won a web cam… but it aint working… -_-“…. called one of the singtel organisers to complain and get a refund, supposedly will get a reply, till now didnt get a reply… didnt know it was aaron bdae! sorry ol’ pal… my frens tot aaron was my bf… they said i was flirting with him… -_-” ….. had a good time though didnt stay for de reception, went to pastamania to eat…. then went home… pretty tiring day…. zZzZzzz
pics from sel’s launch…
onlie took pics at de end…. well… here goes
ooh… remember my nails? take a closer look at my ‘tweese’ sign… nice long manicured nails rite? they r GONE! i broke a nail and cut all of them off….
from left: mira, sel de star, me and karen…
there u go! when sel’s pics r up, will post them up!!!!
friday, 20th jan —-> igors escapade…
went off early in de morning to changi airport to do our project… went back to skool to settle stuff… was done by 2pm… thus since i was meeting ryan onlie at 6pm, i slacked de hours at skool playing computer games. hee. saw lingster and ah lau studying. hee. felt so guilty playing games beside them… met ryan early…. we headed to igors… waited till 7pm… took pics wiv de “monsters”…. after tat chilled at their “devils’ bar”. didnt order a drink though… both of us joking abt SSes… hee… inside joke… waited FINALLY for de theme tour to happen. had to be in groups of ten. and they had a rule of ladies infront and guys at back so ryan onlie could stand behind me. bloody hell, de staff shouted to another staff “THE WORD IS CUTE”… sheesh… u guys should knoe wat he means rite…. after much briefing, de staff (horny guy) asked whether de ladies are pregnant. i replied negative and de horny guy stared at ryan and asked him to work harder!!!! sheesh and ryan had to reply “i will”! …………. after tat since i was kinda leading, i sort of grab ryan to stand infront instead… it was very dark! scary~ …. kinda grabbing his hands and hiding behind him… got scared a few times… even got cornered by a guy! sheesh… tink ryan was scared too since he was grabbing my hands, if not, HANSAP! …. LOL…
after de damn tour ended, we headed to de grand dining hall where we would be having our meal and watching de show… tis season was “interlude with de vampire”… cast introduced themselves and we had our appetisers…. we were served in tis “lazy lenz” system which was pretty similiar to like genki sushi. someting like dat. we had sort of a buffet style for appetisers. de choices were: chicken satay, tofu wiv peanut sauce, caesar salad, chicken wings, some crispy things. very nice. i love de chicken satay. after tat we had our main course.. there were choices of: teriyaki chicken with pasta, stir fried beef with rice and panfried dory fish with anchovy capers served with boiled potatoes drizzled with mayonaise. me and ryan decided on de fish. thus de 2 asses Sses joke. get it? S=seafood. lol.. de show was great! cast were sporting and everything….
after tat there was a break and we were served dessert. choices were : (buffet style) vanilla and strawberry ice cream, jelly, some puff thingy, seasonal fruits, assorted cakes. after helping myself to my dessert. suddenly i was called on stage. de spotlight was on ME! i was wondering wat de f**k!!! since i was using de birthday coupon which i had received from pac net, they were celebrating my bdae! called another bdae boy and 2 special ppl and 2 other guys. basically there were 6 ppl on stage and i was de onlie ger! since igors was kind of a raunchy place. they forced us to play a kissing game (!!!!!!). i was de last one. so de gist is tat, each guy is suppose to kiss de other guy and passed. ON DE LIPS! wat de!!!! everyone wanted to kiss me. -_-” … coz i was de onlie ger… sheesh! so when it was de 4th person’s turn, (he was suppose to kill number 5, then number 5 kiss me), he suddenly grabbed me and hugged me and kissed me on de cheek! -_-” …. emcee anounced he was a HANSAP fella… sheesh… EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING… *kena molested!!!*. lucky emcee ended de thing and made all of us take a shot glass (on de house) and EVERYONE (which was about 500 ppl) sing a birthday song for me and de other guy. and then a toast. (everyone else toasted wiv plain water, de stage victims wiv de shot thingy), and i drank in one shot tinking it was a shot mah… then i looked around… those sissy guys were sipping de damn thing! dunno wat shot was tat but it was pretty strong! man… finally managed to get back to my seat and a slice of bdae cake was sent to me. so sweet. ryan was laughing his head off. sheesh. i did play a good sport on stage though… still kinda shocked by de whole experience…
after tat de 2nd part of de act… which ended well… received a souvenior! a ‘bone’ shaker… hee… very nice play! things ended, then i bought a pic. since they took pics of us. expensive! 20 bucks for an a4 pic… sheesh. smart gimmick. and u knoe we ordered a fruit punch which costed about 7 bucks each! though it was nice, it’s definately worth not TAT much! walked a bit and took a cab home… too tired to head to zouk…
it was overall a great experience which i recommend everyone to try. hee. wonderful. everyone tot me and ryan were a couple though. lol. so come wiv a big group next time yah? hee… here’s de schedule incase anyone is interested:-
7pm – 7.30pm : admission to de devils’ bar.
7.30pm – 8pm: horror theme tour
8pm – 10pm: appetiser, main course and first act of show
10pm to 11.15pm: dessert and 2nd part of de act…
ended about 11.15pm… great great. thanks ryan! such a sweetie~
shall post pics of igors! hee….
here goes:-
dats de place!
de two
asses Sses joke….
de stage… show havent start yet…
me and darling ryan!!!
de wall behind us…
our main course…
look wat happened to ryan!
me and ryan’s skull… lol… creepy how tis pic turned out…
hee… ryan is welll… JOKING! it wasnt his skull…
me on stage….
our souvenior!
i paid 20 bloody bucks for tis!!!
saturday, 21st jan —-> tanning and bbq
woke up bright and early to go tanning wiv ming ming, lydia dear and pearl punk at sentosa. (everyone sings : island life! love it~) stupid G didnt go. … pek chek. had fun but i didnt become darker. everyone did. sighz. im destined to be snow white… sheesh….. sighz… but face hurts a bit though not tan… headed to pasir ris for xiaopei’s bdae bbq… almost whole class turned down.. stayed till late… ate quite a bit… and headed home…
today —> picnic in de park….
chilled wiv dear… kinda had a picnic @ east coast… hee… but didnt have enuf water… … lol… came early in de morning as i had to go back early 2day to do my project stuff… since im kinda burnt from yesterdays tan (as in skin hurts, but no tan… -_-“), i didnt tan and hide behind shade. but it was damn scorching hot! oh man… sweating like sauna… presented dear wiv a prezzie for him… hee… coz 7 months anniversary cant go out wiv him, will be in camp! hee… gave him a pillow (yes, again! haha~)… tis soft soft pillow as saw him eyeing it… turns out he was eyeing it to buy for me… -_-” …. incase u guys were wondering abt de previous blogs in which we had a quarrel, well its not resolved. juz didnt tok abt it… will see how things go… oh well… anyway, headed back really early after i had my lunch… actually picnic suppose to like chill, read book, magz, u knoe juz relaxing, but it was too hot tat i snoozed… dear said i sleep a lot… -_- … where got! bleah… anyway, bloody singtel still havent call me regarfing de change of webcam… sheesh…. will call them tomolo if they dun call me… sheesh.. once de webcam is working, can take lotsa pics… face hurts… cant wrinkle my nose… if u guys notice, i tend to wrinkle my nose a lot… bleah… kk….
there u go… days of my hectic busy life… gonna sleep now~
take care!