Here’s the obligatory year at a glance post but this time I’ll do it differently. A summarised version.
I broke up with Tiger on 1 January. It was a hard decision to make after spending 5 years with him but I had to do it. To be honest, I didn’t think about breaking up with him till that day. Didn’t help when he told me he had wanted to propose after I broke up with him. Just made me feel even more wrecked with guilt. Gotta admit that it was a hasty and rash decision.
We weren’t exactly friends after that and there were many times we exchanged harsh words. My biggest regret of 2009 would have to be breaking his heart. Currently we’re kinda working at being friends but I wonder if it’ll ever work.
Sat for my last paper in end Feb. Won the CLEO Guest Editor stint in Feb/March. Got a peek into the world of publishing. I really liked it, would consider getting back to publishing perhaps in the near future.
Started dating CCB in late March. Just broke a cardinal rule of mine by dating a friend’s ex-boyfriend. Somehow or rather, said friend and I fell out, not really because of me dating her ex but because of some misunderstandings.
Result were out in April/May I think. I passed!
Joined the SoyJoy competition. Had fun with the challenges and nearly went mad with the same challenges too.
Jayden and I combined forces to join the SingTel-Nuffnang competition. We won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found out that I won the SoyJoy competition. Got all set to go to Japan!
Entered the Tangs Blogathon competition just for fun. Basically just wanted to join with Jayden and have fun bullying each other. By some fluke, I actually won the Audience choice. Really did not play to win okay!
Fell horribly sick after Blogathon, must be from the lack of sleep. Nearly could not travel to Japan as I was having a high fever. :/
Went to Japan and spent $3k. KILL ME PLS.
Came back and by another fluke, got offered a job. Took up the job because the $3k spent was haunting me. (I had wanted to nua for the whole of 2009!)
Went for the Great Eastern 10k run. Actually finished without any prior training. HALLELUJAH!
Had my convocation. TMD expensive gown. Must remember to blog about convocation!
Went with ccb and his biker friends to Kukup. Set off my first fireworks! Fucking fantastic.
Work work work. Nothing exciting happened during this time.
Went to Standchart with the mothership. We walked throughout and chatted for almost 2 hours. Am proud of the mothership for being able to finish the 10k!
Started learning driving. Manual is killing me.
Spent xmas eve with the barflies. Hilarious people, they all are. Am scared of said waterfall next year. Must escape Wala in February.
Went to BKK with ccb, Vic, Jayden and Fabian. Spent $1.2k. Crazy amount of money!
Am already planning next year, will be going Bali in Feb and my driving test in March. (confirmed fail!). This year seems to be full of ups and downs. Hopefully next year would be a much better year!
How was your year? Hopefully it wasn’t as volatile as mine!
Happy 2010 to you too! I’m sure you’ll pass your driving test next year. Don’t be discouraged!
Great year, here’s to more goodies in this brand new year
Happy new year.. Driving can pass one, just try to practice the circuit more, or that’s what all my friends told me.. I’m still lazy to learn it yet..
haven’t take say fail! CHOY!
But I do really hope 2010 will be a better year for all of us!
Wow. Ur 2009 was DAMN happening. Hahas. Have a wonderful 2010