
.nadelicious herbed fish & chips.

this dish was created due to a whim. i was hungry one day and me who dont really know how to cook just decided to whack and go. i love this dish! its so easy to prepare and its yummy! nadelicious herbed fish & chips time taken: 40 mins. serves: 1 items needed: 1 slice …

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The REAL Differences between men and women…

Sorry but I couldn’t resist, doing a rebuttal ๐Ÿ˜€ ROAR! So here’s the real rewrite. Weee! When a man goes on a date he wonders if he’s gonna get lucky. A woman will of course know, but in the end, sorry but it’s still the guy who’s lucky. — Pick Up artiste Women need fantasys, …

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Differences between men and women…

LOL! Got this from an email! When a man goes on a date he wonders if he is going to get lucky. A woman already knows. — Frederick Ryder Women need a reason to have sex — men just need a place. — Billy Crystal. I love the lines the men use to get us …

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Yours truly...

that thing about massages…

sigh. the weekend just zoomed by. always too fast, too furious. an enjoyable weekend, enjoyable company and rather *cough* interesting conversations. lack of sleep makes nadnut a grumpy gal. and my backache is killing me.. anyone has any recommendations for places that give good (and cheap) massages? do comment. much appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚ love รขโ„ขยฅ, me

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