been rather busy with work recently and other matters. i keep making mistakes at work and am feeling rather tired these days. i need to get enough rest but it seems i am unable to do so. even after the weekend, i still come back to work all exhausted and tired. seems like i can …
Month: May 2006
‘bestblogforward’ meme contest
during lunchtime, i was surfing around and went to check on my stats. imagine my surprise when i found links coming from mrmiyagi… and it looks like i got tagged… with the ‘bestblogforward’ meme created by kevin… and yes, i wanna win the flickrpro account so that i can upload more pics. yes, camwhore, i …
Protected: that thing about the feeling… (what actually happened)
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that thing about the feeling…
one thing i always dreaded was… “the talk”. whenever boyfriends or bosses suddenly says this to you “we need to talk”, “i need to talk to you”, this always brings up this dreaded feeling in me. somehow “talk” always seems to be something bad. and my boss just told me we need to chat later …