broke broke broke part 2…
sighz… went to jean yip today to perm my hair… my previous perm no more liaoz… hair straight straight liaoz… so went to do a spa perm… they cut and layered my hair too… my fringe is shorter… … the curls didnt turn out like how i wanted… not so curly… sighz… looked like my previous perm ‘cept tat hair is much shorter and of coz de fringe… sighz.. waste of money… i predict my curls wun last…. anyway they managed to ‘con’ me to buying their perm shampoo and conditioner… sighz… more money gone to waste…. sighz… anyway that is another off my wish-list! went wiv de girls today shopping and of coz me doing my hair… bah… ok-ok day… tomolo going retreat! woot~ so happy! will update when im back…
… pretty much it…