its called…. OASIS!
hahaha. as the male barflies are busy having their SECRET guys night out (which was snooped out by a female barfly), some of us rather more sane ones went to oasis.
its this place where we can play board games and all. i LOVE their cheesefries!
crazy and superbly fun!
met up with curious george, kingmeng and missy. hilarious i tell you. if i wasnt wearing a skirt, i would have been rolling on the floor laughing.
update: 2 male barflies are drunk. lol.
this is what you get when you keep things secret from us. aint playing boardgames a more wholesome way to spend time?
infact, i may cut down on wala and head down to oasis instead. can detox at the same time
some pics taken.
i suck at pictionary but made up for it in taboo. LOL.
oasis tomorrow again!