if your photogenic: means you look ok only in person but cheat the whole world in your pictures..
if you look better in person: you look effing ugly in pictures. stop taking those weird pictures!
if you use photoshop: u big fake you. stop cheating the world!
if you dont use photoshop: aiyoh. ur pics ah. no creativity!
if you camwhore: u vainpot.
if you are camera-shy: so tao. dun wanna take pics.
if you use makeup: bluff the world. ugly without makeup.
if you dun use makeup: stupid girl. dunno how to use makeup to enhance your looks.
there is no pleasing the world.
sidenote: interesting aint it? when u have a job, u’ll get job offers and when ur jobless, its effing hard to get a job aint it? got 2 emails suddenly asking me if if i was interested in applying for a few events position. hmmm. one of the offers was rather interesting.
temptation. temptation.
i’ll stick to emco of course!
ahahaa. kingmeng asked me if i was working here. LOL. nope.