i nearly threw a bitch-fit at work yesterday. lol. it has been a very sucky week. coupled with sucky projectmates.. *shakes head*
i have loads to clear at work. madness. loads of work to download, loads of my junk to lug back.
some of the junk i threw.
time to clear these files.
part one of the messy table
part two. i really should start to be more neater and cleaner.
my messy table and i.
as the days passed, im feeling sad that i’m leaving, stressed that i cant finish my work/clear my table, worried about my event and happy cause i’m leaving! mixed emotions man.
won’t be seeing this place no more.
goodbye emco. 🙁
goodbye ugly transvesite looking staff pass!
i’ll miss this sweetie!
i was planning to do a lot of things tomorrow. finish up my handover, clear 2.5 years of emails and stuff on my pc and junk in my cubicle.
i wanted to spring a surprise on cruz by visiting him at the studio tomorrow but i read from his blog that he’s travelling tomorrow.
wah lao. sad-ed. last day tomorrow.. bah.
there were good times and there were bad. but emco is really a good place to build one’s resume. all i can say…
goodbye (nice people) and good riddance (bloody bitches). a new chapter begins soon… now thinking, should i work for my friend? he wants me to do marketing (temp) for his newly setup company for a while. hmmmm.
should i?
got got me on air tml~ hee
well you can start counting down, X hours to go 🙂
Wah! U must be one of those who can still locate your stuff among the mess.
say goodbye to messy desk!!!
(its really messy ahahah)