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Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

This is a Monday’s Musings – Random thoughts, feelings and musings by Yours Truly entry under my themed blog posts! For more info about the themed blog posts, do read the entry here

I think most of my Monday’s Musings entries comes from real life experience

It’s been a while since I wrote a Monday’s Musings piece! Missed it! Blogging has kinda taken a backseat these days as I’ve been busy with the home. And this is way before we even started renovation!

There is just so much research to do also with visiting showrooms, shops etc! Much to do!

Recently, with the upcoming home, I have encountered lots of ‘well-meaning’ advice from neighbours, acquaintances, friends, family.

Honestly, I am fine with people sharing suggestions, thoughts and experiences but not in an obnoxious, shove it down my throat way. You can DISCUSS with me.

fd8It’s really ridiculous how some people think that their opinions are so important. F off

I’ve also had remarks given to me about my ‘expenditure’. Granted it might be given by kaypoh well-meaning neighbours strangers acquaintances but come on lah, mind your own fucking business. Hello, I don’t even know you, what makes you think that you have the RIGHT to poke into my financial business?


I wanna take a loan, I take lah. I wanna have a brick wall, I have lah.


Will you DIE or SUFFER if I do so? If yes, then let me know. If not…


That being said, the whole home renovation research thingamajig has been fun. Only the fucking kaypohchis pisses me off.

Do check out my other Monday’s Musings blog posts here:

Well, this is my Monday’s Musings entry. Sorry for the long wall of text! I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one ranting piece! Are there any other topics that you’ll like to hear from me? Do comment and I’ll muse about that ;)

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