As told to me by Tiger…
Meow! (or should I say, Roar!) nadnut has been very nice to Tiger lately…she pets him on the head and brushes his fur, and brings him out on nice trips – like this one to Bintan! So it was a warm sunny day, and even though Tiger would rather prefer playing WoW, a trip to Bintan to play in the sun is something Tiger really really likes to do (as compared to him hiding in the basement all the time). So after a short trip by ferry, Tiger arrived at Bintan together with nadnut and the other bloggers, who by the way have been sworn to utmost secrecy and even if you torture them to death, they won’t tell you who Tiger is.
Are kitties afraid of water? What about Tiger? Sea sick? Puke?
Look who decided to join us for our vacation! The adorable and always hungry Domo-kun!
Welcome to Bintan Indonesia (aka Bigger Sentosa)!
After a session of camwhoring while Tiger waited in the corner grumpily (actually he was the one taking the some of the pics), we finally left customs and immigration.
Welcome bloggers! Yay!
A bigger surprise awaited us as we finally arrived at the resort after a short bus ride in the form of a traditional Indonesian dance. It was so awesome, that even nadnut’s Pinkies wanted to dance, but luckily (or unluckily) for you all, Tiger managed to grab them all by the scruff of their necks before they could start dancing. After the dance, we had a quick briefing from the BLR folks that sounded like we would be having nothing but fun fun and fun for the next two days…
Roar! No dancing for you!
Next up: Off to the rooms! Stay tuned!
Btw, all pics were taken with the Canon 1000D.
heh i love domokun too! he looks angry but hes not lol
why wwe readers kenot noe whu is tiger!
chocolatesuze: I have loads of domo! Will post up pics of my collection soon!
ryls: heh. Because I have to protect his identity!